When you move
To get electricity at your new home, you will need two contracts, one with the company that owns the grid in the region where your new home is located and one with an electricity supplier from which you choose to buy your electricity.
Contact us in good time before you move, on 020-82 00 00, and we will help you. Please have your latest electricity bill and information about your new home on hand when you call.
We help you move your electricity
If you buy your electricity from us at Vattenfall, you can take your electricity contract with you to your new address. We can also help you choose a new contract for your new address, irrespective of whether you are currently our customer or not.
If you don't take your electricity contract with you, or actively choose a new contract for your new address, you will automatically receive what is known as an "Anvisningsavtal"( designated contract), which is often more expensive than other types of contracts. In most cases it's worthwhile to make an active choice.
Notify your network operator
The network contract is linked to your address so you can’t take it with you to your new address. Notify your current network operator in good time that you intend to terminate your contract because you are moving and then sign a new contract with your new network operator. If you move within the same power grid area, you merely need to notify your network operator of your new address.

Contact us if you have any questions
Customer service opening hours:
Monday to Friday (except bank holidays), from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Reach us (when calling from Sweden):
020-82 00 00
Reach us from abroad, please call:
+46 771 82 00 00
Customer service via email:
For questions regarding district heating, please call:
020-36 00 36
We will answer your questions in English or Swedish. To the extent possible, we try to answer e-mails in your own language.
If you think you have been a victim of an attempted fraud, read more here.